Thursday, March 5, 2009

Painting - Street in Seoul

Acrylic paint on watercolor paper. (9 3/4 x 14 inches)

This is one of many streets in Seoul. I find that because all the signs are in Korean I have to look at everything more carefully. I am trying to learn the Korean Hangul (alphabet) I feel like I am back in Kindergarten. I can sound out some of the words but still don't know what most of them mean. The yellow sign on the right is the "Good Restaurant" menu. It does have bulgogi (which is very good), and kimchi (which I think is more of an acquired taste), listed but I couldn't figure out the rest.

There is something to see everywhere. Seoul is a fascinating place.


  1. I love the painting! So what exactly is bulgogi?

  2. You have captured the feeling of that street. Very nice painting Susan...keep painting.

  3. Thank you, I was trying to go for the feeling of the old surrounded by the new. Yin and Yang sort of feeling. I will be glad to finally get my oils back--next month.

  4. Did you take a picture and use the picture as reference or painted out on the street? ^^

  5. I am not fast enough to paint out on the streets of Seoul. I painted this from a photo I took in January. It was a very cold day and no people around -unusual for Seoul. I don't remember where it was, I was still new in Seoul and still lost most of the time!
