Thursday, May 26, 2011


Corinna is a friend of mine here in Seoul. We paint together and she agreed to let me paint her. She is brave like that!

The whole time I was painting her I kept thinking "Wow, she has beautiful eyes!" or "What perfect skin!" or "I love the color of her hair!" etc. and etc. I think that when you paint someone you have to really look closely at them so you can really see how truly beautiful they are.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Herbs in Insadong

Oil 11 x 14 inches
I painted this from a photo I took in Insadong. Insadong is an artsy section of Seoul. I love to go there and walk around, look in the shops and galleries. These bags of herbs are common in Seoul. I am not sure what is in the bags, some look like wood chips or bark and some like large dried mushrooms.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It has been awhile...

So much has changed and so much has stayed the same. The biggest change is that I am a Grandma now!!!! I've gone gluten free which has improved my health some, but it is very difficult to do here in Korea. I still love art and painting. I am still in Seoul (till the end of the year)and I still miss my family (especially the Little Guy!)

Now to do some "catch up" posts on Art, and Seoul, and Art in Seoul, and some in Beijing and the USA too.